
Martes, Marso 8, 2011

....."Me and I".....

         ...Hello!!To those don't know me yet... I'm Srah May Esmolada, 17 year's of old, I am celebrating my Birthday in 18th month of  February, We are 5 members in our family. I am the eldest, and I have  1 brother and 1 sister, I am so lucky because they love me, also I am.
            I also graduated my Elementary at Don Francisco Dinglasan Memorial School, with a Honor, and about my High school, I graduated at Capiz National High School last 2009-2010.As of now I am studying at Hercor College, River side, Campus at Roxas Avenue, taking up Bachelor of  Computer Science Ladderized,my Hobbies are Playing games in computer,reading fairy tale's stories, and I love also watching Horror movies, while texting with my friends.    
           My most memorable moment of my life is the day we've meet of our friends,and best-friends,bonding's with each other,sharing with our problem's,group talking while eating,talking a funny stories and laugh as we can....:)                                                 
           We have a great choice in life to blend in with society or stand out most of us are too afraid to stand out .We don't want to be viewed as "abnormal".In the process,we hide our true selves from the world.More importantly,we hide our true selves from ourselves.I'd rather be bold,stand out, and make my life mean something.....

1 komento:

  1. tnx............hten guyx........mamimix ko kayu lahat.sorry kung nag'klbuan tyu.............i lov u guyx..........happy graduation day saton.............tni bonding tah liwat.jjejjejejjejjje......

    cute crazy title things could lov...........
